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St Clement's Church of England Primary School

St Clement's Church of England Primary School

Our School Day 

Children arrive from 8:30am and should be dropped at the drop off door where they are greeted by a member of the school team. 

Children should arrive by 8:45am when the register is taken. 

The school day ends at 3:15pm. 

Children should be collected from the playground.  Adults collecting can access the grounds via the field gate nearest to drop off. 

All Year R parents go through the hidden gate into the reception garden area by turning left as you enter the gate. 

Once you enter the gate, you will be in the Year R outside garden, please wait patiently in this area and the class teacher will dismiss the children through the classroom door.

Year 1 parents, we would ask that you please enter the little gate by the Year R climbing frame and then wait outside the Year R cloakroom door, the year 1 children will be dismissed through this door by their class teacher.

Year 4 parents, please wait in the blue playground and the class teacher will dismiss from the door.

All other teachers will dismiss the children from their class garden and parents should wait on the the All Weather Court.

We ensure that children are provided the required 32.5 hours in school each week.