At St Clement’s we believe pupils should have the necessary life skills and develop an understanding of their roles within a community and develop a spiritual awareness of themselves as well as learning their Reading, Writing and Maths skills.
We take a holistic approach, ensuring that children are supported with their learning as well as promoting positive mental health and well-being, as this will enable pupils to have the tools to learn to live and work together.
Our school uses the comprehensive Jigsaw Programme for Primary PSHE including statutory Relationships and Health Education, in a spiral, progressive and fully planned scheme of work, giving children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others. With strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, Jigsaw equips schools to deliver engaging and relevant PSHE within a whole-school approach. Jigsaw lessons also include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.
PSHE is taught weekly so we can be confident that pupils at St Clements experience comprehensive lessons with a depth of understanding.
Jigsaw consists of six half-term units of work (Puzzles), each containing six lessons (Pieces) covering each academic year.
Term 1: Being Me in My World
Term 2: Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying)
Term 3: Dreams and Goals
Term 4: Healthy Me
Term 5: Relationships
Term 6: Changing Me (including Sex Education)
There are also many opportunities for PSHE to be learnt throughout every school day in addition to the PSHE lessons and these are actively encouraged. These include daily acts of worship, themed days and weeks, school council projects, achievement awards, and charity events. We promote regular mindfulness experiences, allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.
We encourage cross curriculum learning with other subjects to increase links to wider learning possibilities and to enrich the curriculum.
The jigsaw learning platform is child centred, diverse and covers a range of topics to include online safety, inclusion and diversity. The school have pupil led worships which cover and support learning in areas such as Anti-Bullying, ADHD and Autism, Down Syndrome and the NSPCC website.
School has links to community police officers that work in our local area and visit the school to chat with the children. Year 6 each year are encouraged to organise for the whole school a Christmas Enterprise Fair and other year groups participate in charitable fundraising.
We also recognise the necessity to teach some stand-alone PSHE lessons should events at school, in the community or in the wider world require explanation, guidance or reassurance for pupils.
Our PSHE curriculum provides continuous updates as well as 'one off' lessons to help support teachers.
Each year group study the same unit at the same time (at their own level), which will build sequentially through the school year, facilitating whole-school learning themes.
St Clement’s provide teaching and learning activities that are engaging and mindful of different learning styles and the need to adapt. The Early Years (EYS) planning is aligned to the National Early Years Framework (England).
Jigsaw- RSE content by year group
Relationships and Sex Education
PSHE Long Term Planning