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St Clement's Church of England Primary School

St Clement's Church of England Primary School

KCC Mainstream Core Standards

The KCC Mainstream Core Standards are the Provision that the local area expects to be made available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities attending mainstream schools.  

Any provision or support should be provided in line with the needs of the child or young person and is not dependent on any formal medical diagnosis or educational determination.

The documents that can be accessed via the links below have been co-produced with parents, children and young people, schools, specialist teachers, educational psychologists, colleagues from health and the local authority

Below are the links to the KCC Mainstream Core Standards documentation, which provide guidance for schools, parent/carers and professionals working with children and young people.

The first link is to the full document and the second link is to a Parent's guide:

Special Educational Needs Mainstream Core Standards

Mainstream Core Standards Guide for parents