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St Clement's Church of England Primary School

St Clement's Church of England Primary School


Stingray Class - Year 6

Welcome to Stingray Class

Mrs Sibley is the year 6 teacher in Stingray class and the class is supported by Mrs Almond, Mrs Francis, Mrs Greensmith, Mrs Harvey and Miss Taylor.  They work 1:1 with children and in small focus groups supporting learning.

We have swimming on a Monday afternoon, so children have to remember to bring their PE Kits.

Our timetable in the mornings is the same comprising of our Early Morning Work sessions which include spellings, maths, SPAG and handwriting. Children are encouraged to be independent learners with their Early Morning Work Folders.  We have guided reading in the mornings followed by English and Maths.  On a Monday morning we have our RE lesson.

The afternoon sessions are full of a variety of learning, including History and Geography, Art and DT, which alternate termly.  We also have Science and PSHE among our other lessons.

Children also complete arithmetic papers 3 days of the week.  Spellings are completed weekly and these are put onto the Class Dojo as well as copies in school for children to bring home.

A daily worship is organised for every afternoon, it may be singing, whole school worship or class worship. Each term each class participates in a worship where parents are invited in. This is generally a whole school focus or a specific event. Please look out for information via ClassDojo and the schools Face Book page for the dates of our class worships.

Year 6 pupils are encouraged to learn their times tables with quick recall of all them up to 12 and children now have logins to access the times tables website at home – www.timestable.co.uk.  We also encourage children to read and complete reading plus sessions in school.  Reading at home would support their reading skills further.