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St Clement's Church of England Primary School

St Clement's Church of England Primary School

Seagulls Class - Year 3

Seagull Class – Mr Cook

Welcome to Seagull class! This year is going to full of fun and exciting challenges, which will get our brains working and minds learning. We will all work together as a team to help each other learn and gain more knowledge about the world around us.                                                           

Wider Curriculum – Term 1

Through the ages.

In the Through the Ages project, your child will learn about three different periods of British prehistory: the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. They will discover terminology relating to time and sequence dates to make a timeline. They explore the changes to people, homes and lifestyle throughout the different periods and investigate examples of prehistoric settlements, monuments, burials and artefacts in detail. They will also study how technology improved over time, including how the discovery of different metals changed the way that people lived. 


Wider Curriculum - Term 2 

Gods and Mortals

This half term, we’ll learn about Apollo and the other gods who reign from Mount Olympus and create a 3-D head of our favourite god or goddess. We’ll explore the land of Greece, where the sun scorches the wings of Icarus and Helen of Troy inspires the launch of a thousand ships. In PE, we’ll take part in athletics and practise synchronised battle movements just like the ancient Greeks. Using historical source materials, we’ll research daily life in ancient Greece. We’ll write diaries as Daedalus or Icarus and learn about epic battles.


Wider Curriculum – Term 3

Mighty Metal

This half term, we’re going to become fantastic physicists, exploring the world of forces, metals and materials. At a playground, we’ll explore the forces that help us to slide and swing. We’ll look closely at levers and explore how they help us to lift heavy objects. In maths, we’ll have fun investigating where we need to sit to make a seesaw balance. To learn more about forces we will investigate magnets and conduct investigations to see how strong a magnet is!


Wider Curriculum - Term 4


This half term, in Topic we will be studying all about where chocolate comes from and how it travels to the shops. We will look at Fairtrade and the importance of the farmers. In DT, we’ll look closely at fruits and vegetables and sketch what we can see. We’ll follow recipes and learn about foods from around the world. Our science work will focus on plants and what they need to survive. We will be investigating the effects on plants if we remove one of its needs and will be looking at the life cycle of a plant.



Wider Curriculum – Term 5


This half term, we will be learning all about the animal kingdom and the predators that live in the world. We’ll investigate food chains and learn about how animals find their food.  We’ll learn about the different parts of a plant and how some plants are predators! Using the internet, we’ll research the majestic peregrine falcon and discover where crocodiles live. After our research, we’ll create an exciting aquatic animation.


Wider Curriculum – Term 6     

Rocks, Relics and Rumbles                                                                               

In the Rocks, Relics and Rumbles project, your child will learn about the different layers of the Earth, including plate tectonics and their potential effects on the Earth's surface. They will investigate different types of rock to learn about their uses and properties. They will also investigate soil and fossils, including learning about the work of Mary Anning. They will have the opportunity to use maps to learn about the lines of latitude and longitude and a compass to learn about the cardinal and intercardinal points. They will also learn about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis and the long and short-term consequences that these can have.

Curriculum Days / Trips

Term 1 & 2

Greek God dress up day

Term 3 & 4

Robot building day

Term 5 & 6

Trip to Howletts Zoo


PE will be on a Wednesday and a Friday. The children come to school dressed appropriately for P.E. with long hair tied back and earrings taken out.

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