At St Clement’s our music curriculum is to equip students with a thorough understanding of various genres/artists/composers and styles of music, develop their technical abilities in playing musical instruments, and foster a love and appreciation for all types of music outside their cultural capital. We aim to provide a structured and sequential music education that engages, inspires and challenges all students in their daily lives. ‘It has been proven that music plays a key role in brain development. This is because it helps with the nurturing of language, motor skills, emotional intelligence and collaboration skills.’ Everything you need to know about music in schools - The Education Hub (
We offer pupils every opportunity to advance their ability, nurture their talents and interests, express their ideas and thoughts about musicality and the culture of the Kent and beyond. Through our high expectations, we support the children to build on their prior substantive and disciplinary knowledge.
St Clement’s curriculum supports pupils to meet the requirements of the Foundation Stage Profile and the National Curriculum end of key stage attainment targets. We support every child to create, experience and participate in great musical opportunities and express the impact music has on them.
All pupils should have a range of activities to develop their talents in all aspects including: listening and appraising, finding/making pulse & rhythm, singing, playing instruments, improvisation, composition and performance through.
Music is as a key feature of Collective Worship and the curriculum as a whole and all students should explore their own identity and individuality whilst exploring music. Music is bespoke to our setting and the beauty of this is that each child’s journey will be individual and nurtured by the school. Each session allows for cognitive cycles to be revisited and built upon.